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Coleford Parish Council banner
The High Street, Coleford

Councillors' Responsibilities

Playing Fields, Play Areas & Pump Track Working Party

Cllr Barrett (Lead Councillor)
Cllr Allen
Cllr Drescher
Cllr Ham
Cllr West

Environment & Cemetery Working Party

Cllr Evans (Lead Councillor)
Cllr Allen
Cllr Moulding
Cllr Paterson
Cllr Townsend

Finance, Pay Review Working Party

Cllr Townsend (Lead Councillor)
Cllr Ham
Cllr Pearce
Cllr Bell
The Clerk

Small Grants Working Party

Cllr Banks (Lead Councillor)
Cllr Pearce
Cllr Evans

Allotments Working Party

Cllr Pearce (Lead Councillor)
Cllr Ham
Cllr Drescher
Cllr Allen
Cllr Townsend
Cllr Moulding

Footpaths / Rights of Way

Cllr Barrett


Cllr Pearce
Cllr Townsend

Open Spaces and Trees

Cllr Barrett
Cllr Drescher
Cllr Moulding
Cllr Allen

Community Plan

Cllr Paterson

Young People

Cllr Ham
Cllr Banks

@ The Hub

Cllr Banks
Cllr Ham
Cllr Townsend

Bishop Henderson School & Children's Centre

Cllr Allen
Cllr Drescher
Cllr Ham
Cllr West

Football Club(s) Representative

Cllr Drescher
Cllr West

PACT & PCSO Liaison

Cllr Banks
Cllr Evans

Somerset Association of Local Councils

Cllr Evans

Quarry Liaison Group

Cllr Pearce
Cllr Bell
Cllr Townsend

Coleford Rocks

Cllr Barrett
Cllr Bell
Cllr Ham
Cllr Paterson

Mendip Country Practice Patients Group

Cllr Paterson

Parochial Church

Cllr Townsend