Control of Budget and Finance Working Party
Control of the budget is fundamental to the work of the Parish Council. A working party reviews income, outgoings and balances each quarter and reports to the full Parish Council. A similar process is used in the Autumn of each year to debate and set the Parish Council precept for the next year. (The precept determines a small part of the Council Tax set for each property and provides the Parish Council with funds.). The precept for 2021-22 financial year is set at £47213.00
Much of the Parish Council budget is spent on maintaining playing fields, open spaces (tree management), play equipment, the Highbury changing rooms, litter and dog waste bins and seats.
In addition to council tax income from the precept, the council has been successful in applying for, and obtaining, grants from various sources for capital projects and improvements. Examples are a grant from the Somerset Aggregates Levies Fund for the surfacing of the car parking areas at the top entrance to the Highbury Playing Field, the grant from Tesco’s Bags for Life Fund towards replacement play equipment in Lower Coleford Playing Field, Sport England and local quarries to create the pump track at Highbury playing field. A Climate Grant from Somerset County Council has been obtained to create allotments and community orchards and Community Grant from Mendip District Council secured towards the renovation of the hard courts at Highbury playing field.
Copies of the yearly accounts can be obtained from the Clerk to the Council.
Planning Meetings
All Planning applications are dealt with by Full Council. It meets to discuss new planning applications and gives its recommendations, based on local knowledge, to the relevant planning department. Meetings are held as required and take place 2 weeks after the monthly meetings. The Parish Council is a consultee, but does not have planning powers.
Environment Working Party
The Environment Working Party has the aim of improving and maintaining the amenity and appearance of the village. This has included extensive bulb planting, tree planting, and maintaining the Church Street Garden. The old concrete pipes have been converted to planters. The environment working party is also responsible for the maintenance of the Parish Cemetery and has organised a number of litter picks. The Parish Council has also worked with the Somerset Wildlife Trust and the Coleford Conservation Volunteers to restore the Butterfly Bank at Lower Coleford Playing Field. Further work with volunteers is proposed.
Playing Fields Working Party
This Working Party is responsible for maintaining the playing fields, the play areas and play equipment, the hard court and the changing rooms. Coleford has two main playing fields, Highbury Playing Field and Lower Coleford Playing Field, and a range of play equipment at several sites in the village.
Other Parish Council Activities
The council has a range of other duties, including reporting highway problems, and working to improve facilities for young people in the village. The Parish Council helps to fund the Youth Club, run by the YMCA at the Hub.
If you feel you would like to become more involved with the running of village affairs, please contact the Clerk to the Council or the Council Chairman. There are often vacancies occurring for Parish Council members.